I shall keep this short and sweet so you can go on to fulfill the reason why you are really here; If you are like me, not sure when or where to invest in, stay tuned to my blog. Mind you...I am a beginner myself and I appreciate any comments or suggestions that visitors leave behind. As much as possible, I shall try to keep my posts in point form to save you the hassle of going through a whole bunch of words.
My infant attempts in investing (to be honest, I did not earn too well and at times, made a loss):
- Autosurf Industry- was doing well at Studiotraffic but they closed unexpectedly, was doing well at 12DailyPro until the advent of the Stormpay fiasco which forced them to close, thus, making me lose my money. I have tried almost a hundred autosurf programmes online (most of which require some initial capital) just to find that most are unreliabble or are merely pyramid schemes.
- MLM (multi-level-marketing)-I found out the hard way that most MLM sites on line require you to create affiliates of your own to earn bigger commissions. I do not have the time to do this and am not sure of the certainty that I will be paid
- Fixed Deposits-Long story short-> You need a HUGE amount of money sitting in an account and best part, you cannot touch it for a specified period of time in order to earn the interest. Too rich for my blood (but I WILL BE)
Instead of wasting more time and effort in these areas, I decided to tread into the unfamiliar
Right now, I have accumulated 6% in profits from my Unit Trusts (in a matter of months). I shall frequently post in this blog any new funds which I recommend and the methodology I based my recommendations on. I shall also update my portfolio of unit trusts thus far in subsequent posts.
Recently, I have opened an online trading account to trade in stocks and shares. Once I have a grasp of it, I shall update my blog in this form of investment.
Let us waste no more time...........Unit Trusts, HERE WE COME
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